1. Pipe Inspection Ganges (PIGS)
2. Pipe work Vibration Assessment/Noise & Vibration Consultancy
3. Fatigue life Assessment/Corrosion management
4. Small Bored Phased Array
Phased array technology is a useful tool
for improving inspection reliability and
defect detection in difficult materials such
as austenitic welds and plastic pipe work.
It also offers increased accuracy in critical
defect sizing applications and complex
geometries, as well as increasing
inspection capability of remote or difficultto-
access areas in power plant.
5. Plant Integrity & Remnant Life Assessment(RLA)
Across the oil, gas and petrochemical industries you’ll find our principa thel Doosan babcock
team of specialists working with asset operators to effectively manage the integrity
of plant.
Our Plant Integrity business not only provides asset operators with a full suite of
products to minimise plant downtime and maximise safety but can access a range
of services within the Doosan Babcock organisation including specialist NDT, plant
inspection, manufacturing and fabrication, welding services, metallurgical testing
laboratory and a UKAS accredited material testing laboratory.
Through our innovation we support and enhance the service life of energy assets
across the world.
6. Advance NDT & Root Censed Failure Analysis (RCFA)
We provides expert failure investigation and analysis services to all areas
of industry. Doosan Babcock Service Technology has an unrivalled track record in the provision of accurate incident investigation and failure analysis services by drawing
on in-house experts such as metallurgists, chemists, mechanical and structural integrity engineers and NDT experts supported by fully equipped and UKAS accredited laboratories.
7. Maintenance Engineering
8. Aftermarket & Upgrade